mercoledì 8 ottobre 2014


 ISTORIA :  a puntate

When transparence matters :

Since I was less that 8 years old  I recorded my first  black disk in a cabin in Vercelli town .
And  this wasn  't casual .
 Why I did it : I like persons  .

So , for me  , there is no problem that  citizens can ear everything I have told to them in all my professional life . And isn'  t a short professional life .
Can citizens ear  all records  in which even if I was present,  judges where absents to everything I try talk about  ?
  For protect  and   help who ?
 This isn' t casual since I asked , and not only once , to record every audience , for the right of transparence . And for evidentiate the big discrepances in the wish of understanding .
 Even the italian idiom . Even if  used with property . . .

 Theme for citizens :
 The Peoples need cowards ? in which field ?

DR. ssa  VENEZIANA   PALADINO  - Plastic  Surgeon

Y. Ghr : Per il Giudice Preposto alla lotta alla corruzione :
Lei in quale lingua preferisce essere informato ? perchè io lo " scugnizzzo " non lo so fare ,  nè la pizza mi è mai riuscita  buona come a mia mamma . . .

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