A Great Wonderful Team
Riprendiamo : l' Italia ha dichiarato guerra alla Grecia e non solo .
L' ha persa e di amplissima misura .
Ricordo all' Italia che l' enorme Dazio , ha pure tendenza a crescere in modo esponenziale e stratosferico , fintanto che l' Italia continua con la recita che va tutto bene , quasi . . .
May be that the Dearest Redears have interest to know some names of Countries to which Italia move against .
The list is particular long . . .
To the Criminal minds that declared War to Greece and not only , I told to stop criminal projects .
Looking at their continuos couldn' t - care - less attitude and cowardice , and since I have the attitude to profer good things , I told to go to a Italian place at choice , among Police Station , Carabinieri Station or Guardia of Finance Station to denunce their guilty of criminal acts , and to tell about what type of ' possible couvertures ' they believe to have in Italia , since I was sure they have not the needed ' couvertures ' in Italia to declare and act War to Friend Countries .
As You can well understand , the very good advices wasn' t listened at all . . . to lighting their positions , in the studied project of War , declaration , devastation and sack .
DR.ssa VENEZIANA PALADINO - Plastic Surgeon
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