Today , I wish to enjoy You with a special Image D' Epoque :
The Photography , realized by a enthusiastic photographer around the Years 1924 - 1925 , shows a very intraprendent Young ' Anthropo of Thalassas ' , Mister FRANCESCO PALADINO , the son of the ' Amerikano ' Felice , a strenth person with interest in the field of the ikastikes texhnes that require precision and knowledge of mathematics and that contributed a little to the country of freedom of the time , the AMERICA .
The Young ' Antropos of Thalassas ' , o babas mu , wished to all citizens of AMERIKA of the time , to have a happy and good breakfast and realized this pose , carring in his left hand a great piece of bread from a thalasso - xhora that the famous VASILEFS ODHISSEF had the chance to visit , and a Sea in which he tested his ability to swim , like me .
DR.ssa VENEZIANA PALADINO - Plastic Surgeon
* * * AER - ART - V * * * : The Young ' Anthropo of Thalassas ' Mister FRANCESCO PALADINO - Photography D' Epoque 1924 1925
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