giovedì 16 maggio 2024



A Extraordinary   Image  of  a  famous  Humanist  and  Poet   from  AREZZO   TOWN ,  Mister   FRANCESCO ,  the  son  of  Ser PETRACCO .

When He lived  in  FRANCE , He had the opportunity  to  see a Beautiful  Woman , named  LAURA  DE  NOVES , and understood that was time to left the Latin Language and related  thoughts . . .

So  , He  created a particular Beautiful  form of  written expressions in the  Italian Language , called  SONETTI   in  the  CANZONIERE 

My  preferred is that He wrote for  the  Beautiful Woman  of   AVIGNONE   TOWN .

 He recognized  that  She  came  directly   from  PARADISE  , without interference of  Priests , Cardinals  , Popes ,  Theologists  ,  teachers and so on , of  the Latinist  Roman  Church .

The  Sonetto that the  Great  Poet  wrote for Her , looking   and  hearing  the Sounds  of  the  River   SORGUE  , and  climbing  the   Mount   VENTOUX  , in  PROVENCE ,  in the Year  1340  after  Christ  , starts with   these  Full  of  Knowledge Words :


                                  "  Chiare , fresche  e dolci acque  " 

DR.ssa     VENEZIANA    PALADINO    -    Plastic   Surgeon

* * *  AER - ART - V * * * :  Mister   FRANCESCO   PETRARCA  from  AREZZO  TOWN    -    AXHIROPIITO    KE   XHIROPIITO    by   VENEZIANA   PALADINO   -   Plastic  Surgeon

PHOTOGRAPHY    OF             15           5         2024

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