* * * AER - ART - V * * * : Red Onions Dynamises
For a adult , in condition to eat , half red onion , can stabilize in around one hour receptors in the first digestive tract .
For getting results in cases of a systemic action started by chemical substances that act on granules of lisosomes and can prime blocks at different functional degrees of the mithocondrial respiratory chain , to get results the interval for enhancement of respiratory function may vary from days to months , mantening the pharmacological therapies of the person , of course .
There is no need to eat each day a slice to half red onion to restore the system .
Moderation in aptake after the first days has to be the rule , since the power is very great .
Functions , like the clearity of the voice , need time , since when a person takes foods , beverages , or smells , breaths , may inalate not healthy substances for that person .
The same happens when one cleans the teeth and use tooth-past , or rinse the mouth .
Fine movements during the articolation of words , have to be realized with a heaviest weight of the miofibres and from this derives discrepancy from chosen vocals by the brain of the thinker and the sound that the thinker appreciates to go out .
The systemic action usually doesn' t involve the nervous motor conduction .
So , when the condition of the fine miofibres is restored , the speech of the thinker returns clear .
DR.ssa VENEZIANA PALADINO - Plastic Surgeon
Y.Ghr.: Raw Red Onions are good , of course .
The effects are greater, and the start has to be prudent and with a little quantity , a slice .
You need to considere the situation of the salivatory glands : the concentration of muco-proteins and salts may be altered and may lead to algies or even to first aid .
If the autotest goes good , and this means without pain , You can , day by day , enhance the slices of raw red onion , putting on the table handkertchiefs too , since lacrimal , palpebral and nasal mucosal glands start a little to respond well .
Red onions have also the ability to restore the functionality of the system of deglutition In situation of high involvement , the miofibres became unable to intake presque everything and the time for eating small quantities of food expands .
If You are in discrete conditions , You can accompain the red onions with butter .
Olive oil is to avoid , even a little coffee-spoon irritates the receptors of the first digestive tract .
Other types of onions even in great quantities have no appreciable action for the systemic involvement by chemical substances .
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