sabato 19 marzo 2022


A  View   of  a  form of  War  to the  life of  little animals , flowers , plants and happiness projects in scientific  , behaviour and ecological fields by   Citizens too .

Classified as not casual by  ' Italian Pirosvestiki' ' . 

This means that the fire to the Botanic  Centre of  a FRANCE  Chain Group was projected . 

Till  today , 20  March   2022 ,  journalists  remained without answer . . .  

DR.ssa   VENEZIANA   PALADINO   -  Plastic   Surgeon 

 Y. Ghr. : Like other  forms of projected War , there is a declaration , to which  usually  experts in the field  give low importance since the attack seems of little entity and natural .

On the other hand , the experts are ables to manage great fires   . 

May happen  that the future appairs pink  . . . 

* * * ART : Fire to a Botanic Centre of a FRANCE  Chain Group in ITALIA  -  From a  Internet Reportage  -  12 september  2013

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