The below Interesting Xhiroghrafo is related to something reported by the Eghiptian Writers workers for the Great Eghiptian Mother and for the FARAO MOISI' too .
The Arxheo writing , is to be referred to something created by ELLOGHON Minds in a time anterior of that of the THEAS ATHINAS , more of 45.000 Years ago .
A people of slaves , around 3.400 - 3.300 Years ago , had the possibility to go out and live without problems of what to do , for some dhecadhes in Eghipto , for very luck circumstances .
A man that had a great Ellenick backgroud , the FARAO MOISI' , decided to realize his adventure , something new , like other Greats in the history of humanity .
He decided to do this not alone , but with people of easy disponibility in his country : the slaves .
Of course , he had not considered that slaves , could have more than one difficulty to think as free persons . With those workers a adventure becames hard .
This luck man , the FARAO MOISI' , had two happy conditions that gave him the possibility of a great start .
The start isn' t the point of arrival . But the FARAO MOISI' wished to start . . .
One of the happy conditions was the fact that the RADHAMANTHIU DHIKEO had power in EGHIPTO , and greater of all other laws .
The FARAO that wished to go against it , had the possibility to do it , but the damage was sure ' ecato' tis ecato' '.
The other thing , of not lesser importance , was that the Great Eghiptian Mother of the FARAU MOISEOS , was the owner of all the territories of the right side of the Red Sea .
If You look at a modern map , You can see that was a very great property .
The FARAO MOISI' indipendently of the external aspect wasn' t at all a ' pimenos ' .
By the Eghiptian Writers , He was the Visible Image of God on the EARTH .
He was the Son of RA , and when RA told something as law , the ' simasia ' goes beyond the apparent form .
The first realization of the PALIAS GHRAFIS was , of course , in the language of the ' Epistimi ' .
In presque the same time , it was written in a language for people that had no the Ellinik language as first .
The original Elliniki' form had also the need to express in the simpliest form few starting concepts , since slaves , before the departure with the FARAO MOISI' , hadn' t great disponibility of time to understand what was freedom .
The FARAO MOISI' as ' loghogliptis ' , impressed few thoughts , that passed part by part the support .
For this reason the Eghiptian Writers referred to them as written by the own finger of RA , dhiladhi' by the FARAO MOISI' , the was considered RA by Eghiptian of the time .
The BIBLE is a ensemble of writings in which there is very , very little of ' xhrisimu ' , and a huge ammount ' axhrista ' and dangerous concept too , referred to the writers , through Eones , to mantain people that believe to what written in the conditions of slaves , as ' provata ' .
The great ammount of ' wrong ' things , deliberatly wrong , was according to the tastes and needs of the leaders that like this type of ' mistakes ' . Like today . . .
During ' Eones ' there were also those , that knew what happened , and others that had read the final writing only , without no interest for the first steps .
To find the truth You have no great needs . . .
DR.ssa VENEZIANA PALADINO - Plastic Surgeon
* * * AER - ART - V * * * : Xhiroghrafo and Red Line by ALKMINI - I MAMA' MU